Date:15th September,2021.
Speaker: Mr. Jitendra Lakhwani, co-founder, Mantras2Success Consultants
Highlights: In his session Mr. Jitendra said that due to lack of proper guidance and exposure, students commit mistakes that cost them heavily in their careers. Our education system, Universities and colleges can impart knowledge but the onus is on students and society as a whole to change the thinking when it comes to a career. Just as one plans towards other areas of life like finances, marriage, relationships, one has to plan towards his/ her career. He emphasized on thought clarity. He asked students to have vision for their life and decide what heights of success they want to reach in life. Some of the career tips he shared with the students are as follows:
Don’t follow the herd mentality.
Choose the career on the basis of your strengths and weaknesses not because someone else has asked you to pursue something.
Chase skills not degrees. Don’t run after degrees, run for developing skill set. More and more companies are removing degree environments. More than degree, they emphasize on skill set.
Choose specializations wisely. We must take career guidance from experts and not laymen. Talented people are always in demand.
Create a crisp resume – know what you have written in the resume and know it thoroughly. Incorporate only those things that you know well, don’t copy from others.
Develop Social Media Etiquettes. There is a thin line of difference between voicing your opinion and fighting someone on social media and making a fool of yourself. Stop trolling others on social media. Use social media and the internet for your advantage.
Get Rid of your Biases. Don’t choose the status of the company, choose your profile in that company.
Doing a lower end job in an MNC will not give you growth as doing a better profile job in an Indian company.
Forget Society & EGO.
Keep yourself updated about the trends in the industry and the current affairs.
Be Coachable. Your Professors, Your Bosses will sometime be harsh on you, but that is for your betterment. The day you stop being coachable, you will stop growing
Blame game is always for losers. Everyone in their life has one circumstance or the other, important is to keep trying and not to give excuses
Setbacks come to make you strong.
Don’t follow “scope” mentality follow Excellence mentality. Scope is everywhere but you must develop excellent skill set.
Put more emphasize on Projects and practical things. There is a big gap between theory and practical life. Apply for more internships.
At the beginning of the career don’t think about money, put more emphasis on learning new things.
Go to college and build networks and don’t cram concepts, try and Understand concepts and their applications. Life is not a test of your memory skills but the test of your concepts and application of it.